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Advanced WinVNC - Advanced Settings
Extra options have been added to WinVNC for use primarily by system administrators, to tailor the server's behaviour to meet their particular needs. The options are DWORD values which can be set in the system registry, and tools such as the Windows Policy Editor can be used to apply these settings across a large number of machines.Versions 3.3.2 R5 and later use a more sophisticated organisation of these options to allow more flexibility. It also makes it rather complex, so we're thinking about alternative ways of doing this. WinVNC will currently look for settings in the following places:
Most options can only be specified in a subset of these places, as specified in each option's description below.
- Local machine-specific settings. Options specified here are not overridable. Location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ORL\WinVNC3\- Local default user settings. Location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ORL\WinVNC3\Default- Local per-user settings. These override the local default user settings. If there is no current user, the username SYSTEM will be used. Location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ORL\WinVNC3\<username>- Global per-user settings. These are only read if AllowProperties has not been set to zero (see below) Location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ORL\WinVNC3Advanced Options:
By default, all WinVNC servers will not accept incoming connections unless the server has had its password field set to a non-null value. This restriction was placed to ensure that misconfigured servers would not open security loopholes without the user realising. If a server is only to be used on a secure LAN, however, it may be desirable to forego such checking and allow machines to have a null password. Setting this registry value to zero will disable null-password checking by WinVNC. Local machine-specific setting.AllowLoopback
By default, WinVNC servers disallow any vncviewer connections from the same machine. For testing purposes, or, potentially, when using multiple instances of WinVNC on Windows Terminal Server, this behaviour is undesirable. Setting this registry entry to 1 will cause local-loopback connections to be allowed. Setting it to zero will filter out such connections. Local machine-specific setting.AllowProperties
If this is set to zero, the user is not allowed to view the properties dialog and hence cannot change any settings, including the password. Note that this stops all global per-user settings. A valid password must therefore be in force before using this setting, generally in the local default-user setting. Local per-user setting.AllowShutdown
If this is set to zero, the user is not allowed to close down WinVNC. Local per-user setting.AuthHosts
The AuthHosts setting is, unlike the other settings, a REG_SZ string. It is used to specify a set of IP address templates which incoming connections must match in order to be accepted. By default, the template is empty and connections from all hosts are accepted. The template is of the form:
In the above, [ip-address-template] represents the leftmost bytes of the desired stringified IP-address. For example, +158.97 would match both and Multiple match terms may be specified, delimited by the ":" character. Terms appearing later in the template take precedence over earlier ones. e.g. -:+158.97: would filter out all incoming connections except those beginning with 158.97. Local machine-specific setting.AutoPortSelect
Causes WinVNC to select the first available display number automatically. Corresponds to the 'Auto' checkbox in the Properties dialog. Local or Global per-user settingCORBAConnect
Only relevant in internal AT&T version. Local or Global per-user settingDebugLevel
Run-time logging of all internal debug messages is now supported. Log data may be output to a file or a console window (or the MSVC debugger if the program was compiled with debugging active.) Two registry keys are used:DebugMode indicates which logging methods to use,
[1 = MSVC debugger]
2 = Output to log file Winvnc.log in the WinVNC directory
4 = Output to a console window, displayed on-screen
Any combination of the above values may be used. e.g. DebugMode=6 will cause output to be sent both to the WinVNC.log file and to the a console window on the desktop.DebugLevel indicates how much debug information to present. Any positive integer is valid. Zero indicates that no debugging information should be produced and is the default. A value of around 10-12 will cause full debugging output to be produced. Local machine-specific setting.
By default, all WinVNC servers will disconnect any existing connections when an incoming, non-shared connection is authenticated. This behaviour is undesirable when the server machine is being used as a shared workstation by several users or when remoting a single display to multiple clients for vewing, as in a classroom situation.ConnectPriority indicates what WinVNC should do when a non-shared connection is received:
0 = Disconnect all existing connections.
1 = Don't disconnect any existing connections.
2 = Refuse the new connection.This is a Local machine-specific setting.
Corresponds (inversely) to the 'Disable Remote keyboard and pointer' option in the Properties dialog box. Local or Global per-user settingLockSetting
WinVNC can be made to take actions when a viewer disconnectsby setting this value as follows:
0 - none
1 - lock workstation on disconnect (not currently implemented)
2 - logoff on disconnect
Local or Global per-user settingLoopbackOnly
By default, WinVNC servers accept incoming connections on any network adapter address, since this is the easiest way of coping with multihomed machines. In some cases, it is preferable to listen only for connections originating from the local machine and aimed at the "localhost" adapter - a particular example is the use of VNC over SSH to provide secure VNC. Setting this registry entry to 1 will cause WinVNC to only accept local connections - this overrides the AllowLoopback and AuthHosts settings. Setting this entry to zero causes WinVNC to accept connections on any adapter and is the default setting.Local machine-specific setting.Password
Local or Global per-user settingPollUnderCursor, PollForeground, PollFullScreen, OnlyPollConsole, OnlyPollOnEvent
These correspond to the options in the Properties dialog box. Local or Global per-user settingsPortNumber
specifies the port number to be used for VNC. You will need to disable AutoPortSelect to use this.
Local or Global per-user settingSocketConnect
This corresponds to the 'Accept Socket Connections' option in the properties dialog box and is a Local or Global per-user setting.
Nach oben
© Thomas Litsch, zuletzt aktualisiert 25.09.2000, Email: thomas.litsch@linux-schule.de